Then we examine the location on a wider scale assuming you are using a typical forested hilly medieval Europe type background, wood and stone are in no shortage. We know that the fighter in question has an elevated standard of living, therefore she will more than likely want to live in a well populated city with a decent market and people who at least don't hate her (a factor that is often lost for people playing an exotic race like Dragonborn or Thri-kreen). Once we work out the general ideas (at least) for these questions we can begin looking at the ultimate equation:

Does your player's character just want a clean little log cabin and won't mind a leaky roof? Does she want to furnish the building with only the finest furniture? How much does a kitchen matter to her? Indoor plumbing? Is indoor plumbing even a thing in your world?

The factors of how much a house would cost in game are much like the way you would do it in real life. I've actually given this a considerable amount of thought myself, although I would steer away from the simple house.